Float Blog
Learn more about floating by reading our float blog which includes blogs from guest writers and Health Professionals who float with us.
How Floating Dissolves Stress
September, 2020
Even without the existential malaise of living through global crisis, our modern way of life tends to exert a lot of pressure on most people.
Floating, Meditation, and Mindfulness-Adding Tools to your Mental Toolbelt
September, 2020
Floating removes you from the outside world and gives your mind the freedom to wander wherever it wants to go. When you float, you don’t
Floating is Safer Than the Grocery Store
August, 2020
There are lots of us who may want to start floating again, but may also reasonably ask if this is the right time to do
Using Change (& Float Tanks) to Make Change
August, 2020
As we approach the light at the end of the quarantunnel, we have a unique opportunity to think about what we want our lives to