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Float Media

There’s so much to discover about floating and what it can do for you. Check out some of our favourite videos below.

The Amazing Thing That Happens When You Disconnect | Dr. Justin Feinstein | TEDxSalem

Dr. Justin Feinstein shares how float therapy can help disconnect the nervous system from life’s constant stream of stimulation, and in the process help individuals reconnect to themselves, especially those who suffer from stress and anxiety.

FLOATING: Discover the Remarkable Therapy that Naturally Relieves Pain, Stress, and Anxiety

FLOATING takes a deep dive into the healing powers of Floatation-REST (Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy), an emerging new technology that can powerfully counter the deleterious effects of stress in modern life.

The Sensory Deprivation Tank - Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan speaks on sensory deprivation tanks and the awesome potential you can achieve with one.

Float Nation (Documentary) | HD

People all across the globe are visiting float tank centers in hopes of reaching states of sensory deprivation. With decades of promising research, why is floating so unknown and underutilized? The result of a trip across the United States, Float Nation explores the resurging trend of floating, its many uses, and the reason for its disappearance.

Sensory Deprivation Tank Improves Sports Performance & Learning

This is part 2 of a talk with Dr. Darren Weissman about the sensory deprivation tank.

Former UFC Champion Jens Pulver's First Float Tank Experience at Sydney Float Centre

This is part 2 of a talk with Dr. Darren Weissman about the sensory deprivation tank.