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Why Zero Gravity Float

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Perhaps the most well known effect of floatation is a reduction in stress from pre to post float.


Stress is rampant throughout our culture, and the havoc this can have on the human body is well documented. Our fight-or-flight system basically gives priority to a select number of our bodies faculties at the expense of most of our basic regulatory functions. This is an effective means of surviving a tricky situation, but it not how our bodies are meant to be constantly running. A plethora of ailments arise from our bodies not being able to return to their comfortable homeostasis. Severe enough stress can even completely stunt growth in the human body. Float tanks are possibly the most relaxing environment we can put our bodies into. Stress relief comes almost instantly from floating, and simply gets stronger and lasts longer the more you float.

Consistent floating can help alleviate all of the following.

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Apoplexy or stroke (related to hypertension)
  • Coronary heart disease
  • The highest leading cause of death in the United States (about 1 out of 6 deaths, as reported by the CDC)
  • Ulcers
  • Migraine or tension headaches
  • Asthma
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis
  • Depression
  • Burn out syndrome
  • Fertility issues
  • Temporomandibular (TMJ) Syndrome
  • Trichotillomania

…and more

Research is showing more and more ailments to be closely related to stress.

What is Float Therapy?

zero gravity float

The float tank environment is unsurpassed for attaining and maintaining relaxation and virtually everyone who goes into the tank will reach a state of deep relaxation sooner or later. Specifically floating provides significant reduction in pain, muscle tension, stress and anxiety. You are also likely to experience total serenity and peacefulness, an increased sense of well-being, and feeling completely refreshed like the reset button was hit.

Flotation therapy is water-based therapy and is likely to be the most relaxing thing you’ll ever experience.

Floating, also known as R.E.S.T (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy) or Sensory REST, involves lying in a spacious bath of warm water and over 500 Kilograms of Epsom salt. 

The relaxing and beneficial Epsom salt lets your body float effortlessly on the surface while reducing pain and inflammation. 

The water is set to body temperature so you can’t feel the water or the gravity, and if you CHOOSE TO you may turn off the lights and close the door, making the tank light proof and sound-proof.

The combined effect is profoundly relaxing and incredibly beneficial for both mind and body.

Floating is wonderful for those with chronic pain, arthritis, Fibromyalgia, as well as anxiety, PTSD, and hypertension. 

Floating helps people sleep as well as meditate. 

Floating assists in muscle recovery for injuries as well as for professional athletes. And it does wonders for hair and skin!


zero gravity float

What’s in the Float Solution ?

The tank is filled with about 1000 litres of water (10.5 inches deep!) and over 500kg of Epsom salt.

The high density of Epsom salt solution allows your body float effortlessly on the surface, like a cork!

The water is about the same temperature as your skin, about 34.5 degrees C, so you don’t feel the water.

This is where the feeling of nothingness begins, and your worries end.

Soon you are so relaxed, you can’t tell where you end and the water begins — you feel like you are levitating.

This triggers the release of endorphins, your muscles and spine loosen (almost zero gravity!) and you just experience extreme peace and clarity of thought— it’s just you.

Exploring and experiencing your own mind while the salt soothes and detoxifies your body.



Your ears (with earplugs in) stay just below the water; the tanks are insulated against sound leaving you in peaceful silence.


After you shut the door and turn off the light, you float in total darkness – you won’t notice a difference between keeping your eyes open or closed. (You’re free to keep the door open and the light on until you grow accustomed to this unique environment.)


Inside the tank you’ll find 10 inches of water and over 500kg’s of dissolved Epsom salts – a solution that allows you to float effortlessly.

The water and air are both kept at 34.5 degrees Celsius – this is skin-receptor neutral, which means that when you fully relax, you lose track of where your body end’s and the water or air begins. 

Be weightless

During your float, the outside world is gone and amazing things happen.

It turns out that when you’re not fighting gravity or receiving sensory input, your body has a lot of extra resources at its disposal.

Your mind is free to navigate without distraction, your brain pumps out dopamine and endorphins, and the parasympathetic nervous system gets to work helping you rest, de-stress and heal. 

It’s likely to be the most relaxing zero gravity float thing you’ve ever experienced.

Float tank (aka floatation tank, sensory deprivation tank, isolation tank or zero gravity float):

float tank two at float cork

A tank filled with water that has enough Epsom salt mixed in to allow a person to float effortlessly on the surface. The water is kept at skin-temperature, making it imperceptible, and the tank is sound-proof and pitch-black, creating a place for our bodies to be free from gravity and all stimulation from the outside world, hence Zero Gravity Float.

Reference: About float tank guide the float tank solutions experts Float Tank Solutions